Have we as The Church fully connected these two issues;
ABORTION - - - - - - - - -ADOPTION?
Can we say to someone considering abortion, "Every child IS a wanted child! and that there is a loving family waiting and desiring to love your baby"?
Adoption needs to be part of our "church culture". If you would like to learn more about how you could adopt, or support others who are adopting, then find an adoption conference near you.
There is an adoption conference coming to Spokane on April 21st, SOS (Spokane Orphan Summit).
And there are many other conferences going on in cities all around the country this year. Let's get TOGETHER and care for every child in our country waiting for a loving family. And let's not stop there. There are orphans all around the world in need of love and protection. Let's not let the IMMENSITY of the need overwhelm us. Adoption and orphan care are about ONE CHILD AT A TIME.
Three Opportunities Coming To Spokane That Could Make a Difference!
"The Great Turnaround" is a movement of churches, in cooperation with Life-Services, to send a positive message to women contemplating an abortion, "there is no such thing as a hopeless situation." Kick-off is March 12, 7:00 pm at the INB Performing Arts Center.
"October Baby" is a story with strong themes of bitterness/forgiveness, guilt/healing, death/life. The STORY has the power to change lives. "Tell me a fact and I'll learn, tell me the truth and I believe, but tell me a STORY, and it will live in my heart forever." Steve Sabol
Let's pray that more pastors in Spokane will get together to strategize about how to change the culture in this country from a culture of ABORTION to a culture of ADOPTION.
HINT: One of the breakout sessions at the Spokane Orphan Summit will be "Strategizing Roundtable Discussion – Let's Do this Together". This is an opportunity for us to help bring about change in the CULTURE OF ADOPTION in Spokane.
James 1:27
James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."
OUR VISION: a gospel community where orphan care is part of the corporate ethos.
Dustin..are you aware of any classes(at this conference ) that deal with older couples fostering/and or adopting OR ways we can help? Marcia
ReplyDeleteHere is the schedule of talks and breakouts. The whole "Looking into Adoption" Track would be helpful as well as the talk "Helping The Church Find Its True North"
We'd love to see you there.
9:00am – Main Session 1 Carey Hughes - "ADOPTION -Authentic Christianity in a Culture of Disposable Children"
10:00am – Breakout Session 1
Track A – Myths and Truths about Foster Care (Michelle Cutlip) (Looking into Adoption)
Track B – What God Teaches During Times of Waiting (Dustin and Heidi Greenup)
Track C – Helping the Church Find its True North (Suzie Toews) (Community Support/Involvement)
11:00am – Breakout Session 2
Track A – Panel Q&A Discussion #1- Pro's and Con's about the different Adoption Options (Bade's, etc)
Track B – When Adoption/Post Adoption Doesn't Go As Planned – (The Custer's)
Track C -The Theology of Adoption (Brian Hoch)
12:00 Lunch (Soup and Sandwiches), Vendor Tables, and Networking
1:00pm – General Session 2 Rick Valore "Orphan Care: What God could do in the churches of Washington"
2:00pm – Breakout Session 3
Track A – Panel Discussion Continued #2 – Pro's and Con's about the different Adoption Options
Track B – Helping Adopted Children Deal with Grief of Adoption at different Ages and Stages in Life (Carli Robinson)
Track C – Strategizing Roundtable Discussion – Let's Do this Together (Rick Valore)