James 1:27

James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."


OUR MISSION: to advocate, with gospel intention, for the plight of orphans and to support and encourage families in adoption and foster care.

OUR VISION: a gospel community where orphan care is part of the corporate ethos.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Are you on an adoption journey?

Spokane Orphan Summit will be April 21st from 8:00 - 4:30 at Faith Bible Church.  If you are already on the adoption journey and would like support from others who have already been through an adoption, then this conference is for YOU!  

Here are some of the breakout sessions that are available:

1) Eternal Lessons During Seasons of Waiting
(Adoption is filled with opportunities to learn lessons about waiting.  Waiting on the Lord is something talked about extensively in scripture but in our "now" culture it can be difficult.)

2) When Adoption/Post Adoption Doesn't Go As Planned

(Being flexible and having plans change is the name of the game on the adoption journey.  What do you do when life throws you a curve ball?  When you have done everything you feel that God has called you to do and then things don't turn out how you expect, then what?  Come and learn from a couple who has seen a few curve balls come their way.)

3) Helping Adopted Children Deal with Grief of Adoption at Different Ages and Stages of Life

(Adoption is a blessing as children are connected with their families.  The truth of this blessing does not take away the fact that adoption stories also include loss.  As adopted children grow-up most will go through grief at the loss(es) they have experienced in their life.  The grief process varies for every child but there are some things that we can expect along the journey.  How can we help our child deal with their grief in a way that brings healing?)

Lunch will be provided and childcare will be provided for children 5 and under.

Please register online at SpokaneOrphanSummit.com so that we provide a sufficient amount of food and workers to care for your children.

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