James 1:27

James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."


OUR MISSION: to advocate, with gospel intention, for the plight of orphans and to support and encourage families in adoption and foster care.

OUR VISION: a gospel community where orphan care is part of the corporate ethos.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Orphan Sunday and More

Exciting things are happening in Spokane and the Inland Northwest as we seek to minister to orphans.  

I want to remind you that Orphan Sunday is fast approaching.  Sunday, November 4th is National Orphan Sunday this year.  OFF The WALL Ministry is having a meeting at 5:30 pm at Christ The Redeemer Church (1523 West Mallon Ave) this coming Sunday.  We hope you can make it.  Perhaps you would like to bring a friend.  We seek to, not only raise awareness about the needs of orphans in our area and around the world, but we also seek to support and encourage families who are taking care of orphaned and vulnerable children, whether through adoption or foster care.  There are also many resources available at our website over on the right side of the page.

Spread the word....
Do you have questions about the adoption process?  Are you interested in adoption but you have questions about some of the details?  Nicole Koyama and Mirisa Bradbury will share from their professional training the various legal aspects of adoption whether it be through the state, an agency or done privately.  They will also discuss legal complications that may occur and how to avoid these pitfalls.  Nicole and Marisa will share from their vast professional but also personal experience in the field of adoption.  Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to celebrate adoption and by all means, “bring a friend!”
Dessert and coffee will follow, along with fellowship with other parents who are on the journey of adoption/foster care.
Faith Bible Church is hosting an event this Saturday where you can get free clothes!

What:  Free gently used clothing for the entire family

Where:  Faith Bible Church, 600 W. Cora, Spokane, 99205

When:  Saturday, November 3 (this coming Saturday)

Time:  9-1

Don't forget about the Orphan Sunday event going on in Couer D'Alene this Sunday as well.  Although this event is going on at the very same time as the one at Christ The Redeemer, look who we're sending over to Idaho to give the main talk. :-) Both events should be fantastic and the main point is to "care for orphans"!

Monday November 5th at 9:00 am we begin planning for Spokane Orphan  Summit II.  Our second SOS conference will be March 16th at Eastpoint Church.  If you think you would like to invest a little bit of your time/talent once a month for the next 5 months we would love to have your help.  So, next Monday meet at Christ The Redeemer Church at 9:00 am and we will put our heads/hearts together.


Jason Wiens

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Orphan Sunday - November 4 - Kroc Center, Cd'A

Community Orphan Sunday event at the Kroc Center Presented by Real Life
Ministries Orphan Care (1765 West Golf Course Road  Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815)
Sunday, November 4, 2012 from 3 to 6 PM

Focus/Goal: To provide enrichment, hope and information for parents
who are interested in or are presently fostering, adopting or are
caring for relatives.

Format:3-3:40: Main Session - Carey Hughes-Pastor at Christ The Redeemer Church, Spokane
3:40-4:00: break (split meeting room into 2 and reconfigure for smaller setting)
4:00-4:45: Two Breakout Sessions:
1) Adoption Through The Years (a panel discussion with a facilitator) 
[Adoption is a journey and while the path is different for everyone, wisdom can be gleaned from others as you prepare yourself, your family and your child(ren) for the stages and questions they will face about birth parents, your own relationship, and unknowns. Bring your questions and concerns.]
2) Foster and Relative Care: Unmasked (a panel discussion with a facilitator)
[Q&A with local Foster and respite care providers. If you are interested in learning more about fostering, respite, CASA, or are presently fostering or providing respite and want a clearer vision of the joys that can come from fostering, join the discussion.]
4:45-5:00: Break
5:00-5:45: Two Breakout Sessions:
1) We Did All the Training, but something is not right! Practical help for foster and adoptive parents dealing with unexpected behaviors of children from hard places (panel discussion with a facilitator)
2) Adoption or Fostering? Which is Right for My Family? (a panel discussion with a facilitator) Want to adopt, but the process seems daunting? Have you felt lead to foster, but aren't sure where to begin? Come get your questions answered and walk away with a clearer understanding of adoption and fostering.
5:45-6:00: close sessions and allow for people to continue making connections and develop new relationships in hallway and at cafe.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Potluck Support Dinner

In an effort to continue to support and encourage adoption and foster care, Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship is inviting individuals and families, who want to support adoption or families who want the support of others, who have adopted , to a potluck dinner.  We hope you can join us! Please pass the info along to anyone you know who may be interested.

Please join our Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship – Adoption and Foster Care group for a PotLuck dinner.
Where: 1801 E. 29th Ave (Note: New Location for Church)
Spokane, WA
When: Sunday October 28th @ 5pm to 7pm
What to bring: a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, along with plates, silverware and drinks for your family.

NOTE: Please bring chairs to sit on. It does not look like there are tables and chairs there yet. We will bring a couple of tables to set food out on.
Any Questions, contact: debking78@gmail.com  or cell (509) 999-4792 

Hope to see you!!