James 1:27

James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."


OUR MISSION: to advocate, with gospel intention, for the plight of orphans and to support and encourage families in adoption and foster care.

OUR VISION: a gospel community where orphan care is part of the corporate ethos.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

ADOPTION: Authentic Christianity in a Culture of Disposable Children

Christ The Redeemer's, Pastor Carey Hughes, gives a thought provoking talk "Adoption: Authentic Christianity in a Culture of Disposable Children" at the first Spokane Orphan Summit two weeks ago. I encourage you to take the time to listen.


  1. Sad that many of the "orphans" who are the target of the Christian adoption movement aren't orphans at all. Sadder still that their small, broken, non-Christian families are what this movement really sees as disposable.

  2. Margie, I assume that the children you are referring to as not "real orphans" are not the abandoned children of third world countries that are languishing in orphanages until being taken in by loving families. I think you are probably referring to children removed by the state from homes deemed unsafe or unfit do to the life situations of the parents. If you think that the state is acting unfairly or grievously towards these families I would love to hear your reasoning -- that would be an interesting dialogue. But what is not in doubt is that in the meantime these children are indeed with out functioning parent or home and thus true orphans.
    As for your second statement about Christians viewing these broken families as disposable all I can say is I have only experience the exact opposite in my context. I personally see and know Christian families reaching out to broken families right in the neighborhood our church. To be honest with you it sounds like your comment may coming out an unfortunate personal experience in your own life --- that is perhaps being projected on the whole Christian adoption movement. Of course I could be wrong.
