"Sorrow Before Triumph" is a talk by David Platt, pastor of "The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham Alabama, who spoke at the "Adopting for Life" conference in February, 2010. It might take you a few minutes (58) to watch this video but I guarantee that after listening/watching this talk you will have a new perspective on the real joys and extreme trials that we experience in this life.
*Taken from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Resources website. These talks are from the Adopting for Life conference in February, 2010. Other titles include: "Don't You Already Have Kids?: Adding to Your Existing Family Through Adoption", "Adoption, Orphan Care and The Church: Finding Your Place in the Story of Redemption," and "A Call to Holiness: Crisis, Transracial Adoption and The Gospel." At The Adopting for Life Conference in February, 2010 there were three general sessions, a question and answer panel and several break out session talks.
I just thought of a cool thing about this sermon for our church. David Platt uses The Book of Ruth as his topic for this sermon. As our church's name makes clear, Christ is our Redeemer. In the story of Ruth, Boaz is Naomi and Ruth's kinsman Redeemer. In a small way he is a type of Christ perhaps to these two widows and strangers in the land.