NEXT OFF the WALL Meeting
Sunday June 3rd, 5:30 pm - Christ The
Redeemer Church
Dessert provided. Please RSVP :
The Body of
Christ Mobilized for Orphans: Speaker -Anna Rowe
One of the benefits of being a Christian is that we are “adopted” by God
and placed in a big crazy family. The body of Christ is most beautiful
when it works together. For reasons that are unique and specific, some
families are not called to adopt, others are called, but wait. No matter
what your circumstance the “Church” is called to care for the orphan.
There is a need, and as Christians we can share God’s love and mercy by
stepping up and saying we care.
The burden is great.
· There are roughly 900 foster
children on any given day in Spokane County.
· There are approximately
11,100 children in the Washington foster care system.
· 2,800 children wait for a
family to adopt them in Washington.
· Approximately 400
children turned 18 last year and never found a permanent adoptive home in Washington.
· 143 million orphans
world-wide wait.
So what can the “Church” do? We can speak up for the orphan,
collaborate with agencies, and participate in the judicial system. Give
of our time, money and resources. Sacrifice as Christ has. Come
learn how you can be involved with orphan care beyond adoption and join with
the body of Christ.