James 1:27

James 1:27 "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."


OUR MISSION: to advocate, with gospel intention, for the plight of orphans and to support and encourage families in adoption and foster care.

OUR VISION: a gospel community where orphan care is part of the corporate ethos.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

OFF The WALL Meeting - Attachment

Melissa Spivey has graciously agreed to come and share her expertise in the area of Attachment with us at our next OFF The WALL Meeting on Sunday, January 13th at 5:30 pm.  Melissa is a counselor specializing in Marriage and Family Counseling.  Here is what she says,

"The difference that makes all the difference!  That is what it means for a child to have secure attachment.  Together, on January 13th, we will explore what that means and how to meet our children's needs for security (healthy attachment).  
I am looking forward to meeting with each of you!"

Many of you have asked for some resources to help you on your journey of attachment with you child/children.  Come and enjoy the fellowship with others on a similar journey.  Feel free to spread the word.  

Dessert and childcare will be provided.  If you plan on bringing your children please RSVP so that we can have the right number of workers for the appropriate age groups of children.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Orphan Sunday Event

Today is Orphan Sunday.  Come tonight to Christ The Redeemer Church and fellowship with others on a similar journey.  Come find out more about the adoption process from two adoption attorneys.  Here is an inspiring video sharing the story of a life changed by adoption.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Want to Know What God Says About Adoption?

There is a free "Adopted By Design" seminar this Saturday, November 3rd from 10-12.  "Do you want to know what God says about adoption?"  "Want to Know What God Says About Adoption?"  Immanuel Baptist Church - 5109 N. Adams Street Spokane, WA.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Orphan Sunday and More

Exciting things are happening in Spokane and the Inland Northwest as we seek to minister to orphans.  

I want to remind you that Orphan Sunday is fast approaching.  Sunday, November 4th is National Orphan Sunday this year.  OFF The WALL Ministry is having a meeting at 5:30 pm at Christ The Redeemer Church (1523 West Mallon Ave) this coming Sunday.  We hope you can make it.  Perhaps you would like to bring a friend.  We seek to, not only raise awareness about the needs of orphans in our area and around the world, but we also seek to support and encourage families who are taking care of orphaned and vulnerable children, whether through adoption or foster care.  There are also many resources available at our website over on the right side of the page.

Spread the word....
Do you have questions about the adoption process?  Are you interested in adoption but you have questions about some of the details?  Nicole Koyama and Mirisa Bradbury will share from their professional training the various legal aspects of adoption whether it be through the state, an agency or done privately.  They will also discuss legal complications that may occur and how to avoid these pitfalls.  Nicole and Marisa will share from their vast professional but also personal experience in the field of adoption.  Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to celebrate adoption and by all means, “bring a friend!”
Dessert and coffee will follow, along with fellowship with other parents who are on the journey of adoption/foster care.
Faith Bible Church is hosting an event this Saturday where you can get free clothes!

What:  Free gently used clothing for the entire family

Where:  Faith Bible Church, 600 W. Cora, Spokane, 99205

When:  Saturday, November 3 (this coming Saturday)

Time:  9-1

Don't forget about the Orphan Sunday event going on in Couer D'Alene this Sunday as well.  Although this event is going on at the very same time as the one at Christ The Redeemer, look who we're sending over to Idaho to give the main talk. :-) Both events should be fantastic and the main point is to "care for orphans"!

Monday November 5th at 9:00 am we begin planning for Spokane Orphan  Summit II.  Our second SOS conference will be March 16th at Eastpoint Church.  If you think you would like to invest a little bit of your time/talent once a month for the next 5 months we would love to have your help.  So, next Monday meet at Christ The Redeemer Church at 9:00 am and we will put our heads/hearts together.


Jason Wiens

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Orphan Sunday - November 4 - Kroc Center, Cd'A

Community Orphan Sunday event at the Kroc Center Presented by Real Life
Ministries Orphan Care (1765 West Golf Course Road  Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815)
Sunday, November 4, 2012 from 3 to 6 PM

Focus/Goal: To provide enrichment, hope and information for parents
who are interested in or are presently fostering, adopting or are
caring for relatives.

Format:3-3:40: Main Session - Carey Hughes-Pastor at Christ The Redeemer Church, Spokane
3:40-4:00: break (split meeting room into 2 and reconfigure for smaller setting)
4:00-4:45: Two Breakout Sessions:
1) Adoption Through The Years (a panel discussion with a facilitator) 
[Adoption is a journey and while the path is different for everyone, wisdom can be gleaned from others as you prepare yourself, your family and your child(ren) for the stages and questions they will face about birth parents, your own relationship, and unknowns. Bring your questions and concerns.]
2) Foster and Relative Care: Unmasked (a panel discussion with a facilitator)
[Q&A with local Foster and respite care providers. If you are interested in learning more about fostering, respite, CASA, or are presently fostering or providing respite and want a clearer vision of the joys that can come from fostering, join the discussion.]
4:45-5:00: Break
5:00-5:45: Two Breakout Sessions:
1) We Did All the Training, but something is not right! Practical help for foster and adoptive parents dealing with unexpected behaviors of children from hard places (panel discussion with a facilitator)
2) Adoption or Fostering? Which is Right for My Family? (a panel discussion with a facilitator) Want to adopt, but the process seems daunting? Have you felt lead to foster, but aren't sure where to begin? Come get your questions answered and walk away with a clearer understanding of adoption and fostering.
5:45-6:00: close sessions and allow for people to continue making connections and develop new relationships in hallway and at cafe.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Potluck Support Dinner

In an effort to continue to support and encourage adoption and foster care, Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship is inviting individuals and families, who want to support adoption or families who want the support of others, who have adopted , to a potluck dinner.  We hope you can join us! Please pass the info along to anyone you know who may be interested.

Please join our Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship – Adoption and Foster Care group for a PotLuck dinner.
Where: 1801 E. 29th Ave (Note: New Location for Church)
Spokane, WA
When: Sunday October 28th @ 5pm to 7pm
What to bring: a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, along with plates, silverware and drinks for your family.

NOTE: Please bring chairs to sit on. It does not look like there are tables and chairs there yet. We will bring a couple of tables to set food out on.
Any Questions, contact: debking78@gmail.com  or cell (509) 999-4792 

Hope to see you!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Wonder

As a follow on to our OFF The WALL Meeting tonight at CTR where we heard the stories of 4 adults who were adopted, here is another adoption story put to song:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Panel of Adult Adoptees

Have you ever wondered what adoption looks like from the inside?  Come hear about adoption from a few folks who were adopted.  

OFF The WALL will have its next meeting on Sunday, September 30th at 5:30 pm at Christ the Redeemer Church.  Come and enjoy a rich time of fellowship and find out what sweet treat Tim Gilstrap is whipping up for dessert.
Spread the word...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Potluck Invitation

Our next potluck dinner with Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship will be Sunday, August 26th.  Here is the invitation:

In an effort to continue to support and encourage adoption and foster care, Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship is inviting individuals and families, who want to support adoption or families who want the support of others who have adopted , to a potluck dinner.  We hope you can join us! Please pass the info along to anyone you know who may be interested.

Please join our Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship – Adoption and Foster Care group for a PotLuck dinner.
Where: Upper Manito Park
2400 S. Tekoa (25th at Tekoa| South Hill | Spokane, WA

When: Sunday August 26th @ 5pm to 7pm
What to bring: a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, along with plates, silverware and drinks for your family.

NOTE: Please bring chairs and blankets to sit on. It does not look like there are tables and chairs there. We will bring a couple of tables to set food out on.
Any Questions, contact: debking78@gmail.com  or cell (509) 999-4792

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Potluck Invitation

OFF The WALL Ministry is thrilled that there are other churches in Spokane that share our vision to support and encourage adoption and foster care.  One of the churches that we are partnering with is Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship.

In an effort to continue to support and encourage adoption and foster care, Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship is inviting individuals and families, who want to support adoption or families who want the support of others who have adopted, to a potluck dinner.  We hope you can join us! Please pass the info along to anyone you know who may be interested.

Please join our Summit Ridge Christian Fellowship – Adoption and Foster Care group for a PotLuck dinner.

Where: Summit Ridge
57th and Freya | South Hill | Spokane, WA
(We meet in the Seventh Day Adventist Building)
When: Sunday June 24th @ 5pm to 7pm

What to bring: a main dish and a salad or dessert to share, along with plates, silverware and drinks for your family. Also, weather permitting, we will eat outside. If you have any outside activities for the kids, please bring them with you. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Beyond Adoption - The Body of Christ Mobilized

Our next OFF The WALL Meeting is next Sunday, June 3rd at 5:30 at Christ The Redeemer Church.  This will be a good opportunity to invite people from your church who may not be adopting or fostering children but who want to be involved in the lives of orphaned children.  Our speaker, Anna Rowe, is knowledgeable and experienced about different ways to be involved in the care of vulnerable children.  Her discussion will include opportunities such as, volunteering at Sally's House, becoming a CASA, ministering to adoptive families, and fundraising assistance.  What is a CASA?  Come on Sunday, June 3rd and find out.  

Adoptive families who have brought a child home know how it feels to be overwhelmed in the first weeks and months and sometimes years.   Come and learn how you can use your gifts to assist the body of Christ in caring for vulnerable children beyond adoption.  Here is a fun video with some creative ways others have been involved in the lives of children.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Antioch Adoptions Fundraiser

Smiles for Antioch Fundraiser
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Finch Arboretum

For a $25 donation you get:
  • professional photo session
  • one 8x10
  • two 5x7
Great gift idea for Mother's Day or Father's Day. Proceeds help cover the cost for home studies. Together we can make a difference.
About Antioch
Antioch Adoptions is a nonprofit, no-fee adoption agency bringing adoption to more families. Community donations help families adopt orphans lingering in the foster Care system.

Help change the face of adoption.
Register now by clicking on the link above.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Adopted by Design

America World Adoption will be hosting a free adoption seminar entitled "Adopted by Design".  This multimedia program will address what God's Word says about adoption.  You will hear families share their personal adoption experience and see the love that defines what it means to be a mother and a father.  You will also see a moving Hallmark presentation of Steven and Mary Beth Chapman's story of adoption.  It will take place Monday June 11th  6:30-8:30 pm at Immanuel Baptist Church, Spokane, WA 99205.   
Please visit:  www.awaa.org/events or call 1-800-429-3369 to register.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

ADOPTION: Authentic Christianity in a Culture of Disposable Children

Christ The Redeemer's, Pastor Carey Hughes, gives a thought provoking talk "Adoption: Authentic Christianity in a Culture of Disposable Children" at the first Spokane Orphan Summit two weeks ago. I encourage you to take the time to listen.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

God Working Through the S.O.S.

One of the stories that came out of the Spokane Orphan Summit (held April 21st at Faith Bible Church) is written below.  This couple gave permission to share this story as an encouragement to others who might find themselves in a similar situation.

Written on April 25th:
I (Amber Copelin) wanted to email and share with you what happened this last weekend and how God used the S.O.S. to change a man and his true north with his family.

Since I was little I knew I had a passion for adoption. As I grew the dream faded and life stepped in. A few years ago I began working with state foster care children. That dream and passion that had once faded was alive and blazing in my soul, I became broken for their precious hearts. I wanted to change the world one child at a time for God’s kingdom. I was broken for these little lives and wanted so desperately to rescue them all. There was one boy in particular who grabbed my heart and I knew I couldn’t sit by no longer.

I would share my heart and my desire with my husband to no avail. He was absolutely positive, for various reason, our family was done growing and that we were still trying to get the last two kids at home raised and out so we could continue our dream of traveling the world. A few times I pleaded and said I would give all my earthly dreams up if it meant saving just one child. My husband was supportive of my heart but firm in his no and encouraged me to help any other way I could but to not keep asking to adopt. At first I was hurt and mad and I even remember telling him I was going to pray and have God change his heart, out of  my anger. Well needless to say God changed my heart towards my husband on this issue and I found peace in this. 
I would continue on, time would pass, and by this time I was volunteering for Antioch Adoptions. The dream and passion was still alive and my heart was to still see all of these children have forever homes with others who would love them as much as I did.
 My husband would get involved working behind the scenes with me, he even played Santa for some foster kids. I was so in love with his heart to be supportive of me and in his way for these sweet children. 

Then last weekend our family was changed forever. 

Here, in part, is the story of one man and his family finding there true north together.
(taken from a letter he (Kevin Copelin) wrote to our friends)

A little over 2 years ago, Amber started working in a position where she was daily exposed to kids in the foster system. A couple times, she tried to convince me that we should consider adopting one; real easy answer was, “that will NEVER happen”. I had various reasons, admittedly some were quite selfish, but there was no way we would ever be united on that decision. Amber accepted my answer and never nagged me about it, she just kept praying; she didn’t tell me she was praying, though I should have known because she normally does not fight fair. 
The more she has gotten involved, with various foster programs; I have encouraged her hoping it would satisfy her desire to bring them all home. I have gone to a few support planning meetings and, this past weekend, attended an Orphan Summit SOLELY for the purpose of being a good husband and supporting my wife. The Orphan Summit was really not any new information but, as I sat there listening about the fact Washington State has 1,500 children who are legally free and awaiting a home, my heart was breaking for them. I was trying to figure out what program, what way I could help them without giving in on my stance that bringing one home would “NEVER” happen. There were other factors, that will have to wait for the expanded version of the story, that were really making me struggle with the idea that we were to bring one of these children into our home. Saturday afternoon, evening, and night, I was really wrestling with this idea; spent a good bit of time talking to God about it and trying to convince myself that I must have really lost my mind. Of course I could not talk to Amber about it; the slightest inkling would have raised her hopes too high for me to ever back down. 
Sunday morning, I felt confirmed that we are meant to give one of these children a home, to love them, protect them and raise them as if we gave birth to them ourselves; whatever sacrifice that involves, insignificant! Sunday afternoon I spent more time praying, reading my Bible, and really making sure that was what we are supposed to do. I finally decided to let Amber into what I was dealing with. As expected, she was joyous beyond terms. We are starting the paperwork and beginning a new journey that I would have not expected even 4 days ago. 
That leaves 1,499. Would anyone else like to join us in bringing that number down?

This is truly the readers digest story of what happened in my husband and our family this last week, but the ending is the same. We are starting the paper work to become a forever home to a child that God had a plan to be a part of our family from the beginning, a Copelin.

Amber Copelin has also written a book called "Will You Love Me When."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Next OFF The WALL Meeting June 3rd

NEXT OFF the WALL Meeting
Sunday June 3rd, 5:30 pm - Christ The Redeemer Church
Dessert provided.  Please RSVP : Jason@SpokaneOrphanSummit.com
The Body of Christ Mobilized for Orphans:  Speaker -Anna Rowe
One of the benefits of being a Christian is that we are “adopted” by God and placed in a big crazy family.  The body of Christ is most beautiful when it works together.  For reasons that are unique and specific, some families are not called to adopt, others are called, but wait.  No matter what your circumstance the “Church” is called to care for the orphan.  There is a need, and as Christians we can share God’s love and mercy by stepping up and saying we care.
 The burden is great.
·         There are roughly 900 foster children on any given day in Spokane County.
·         There are approximately 11,100 children in the Washington foster care system.
·         2,800 children wait for a family to adopt them in Washington.
·         Approximately 400 children turned 18 last year and never found a permanent adoptive      home in Washington.
·         143 million orphans world-wide wait.
So what can the “Church” do?  We can speak up for the orphan, collaborate with agencies, and participate in the judicial system.  Give of our time, money and resources.  Sacrifice as Christ has.  Come learn how you can be involved with orphan care beyond adoption and join with the body of Christ.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ADOPTION: Authentic Christianity in a Culture of Disposable Children

Carey Hughes is Senior Pastor of Christ The Redeemer Church in Spokane, Washington. His heartbeat in ministry has always been for kids, having served as a youth pastor and family pastor for over twelve years. Carey and his wife, Tricia, committed themselves to be involved in adoption during their engagement, and after having four biological children, welcomed their first adopted child Josiah. Soon came Abby, Chaya, and Maddie bringing the family total to eight – thus far! 

The Hughes’ have considerable experience in both fostering and adopting through the state and now have helped to found an orphan care ministry at their church called  “Off the Wall,” so named for the early church’s practice of receiving discarded children left at the city wall. Carey and Tricia minister with the passionate conviction that if Christians want to share the gospel with authenticity and power in a culture filled with “disposable children,” Christians must give their support to providing foster care and adoption both here and around the world. 
Register at SpokaneOrphanSummit.com

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Orphan Care: What God Could Do in the Churches of Washington (and Idaho)

Rick Valore leads a ministry in Colorado called Project 1.27.  Project 1.27's founder, Pastor Robert Gelinas said, 

“The body of Christ needs to come together to make sure there are no children waiting for homes in Colorado. It is a travesty that we have kids waiting for homes in our own back yards. That should never be the case….”  

To that end, this ministry seeks to mobilize churches to take care of orphans in the state of Colorado.  Since its beginning in 2008 the number of children waiting to be adopted from the foster care system has been cut in half.  The vision is to have no waiting children in the next 3 years.  Rick is coming to spread this vision of no waiting children to the Inland Northwest.  Come and hear his talk, "Orphan Care: What God Could Do in the Churches of Washington (and Idaho)."

More details for the conference are available at http://SpokaneOrphanSummit.com
Please register today.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Are you trying to find out more about adoption?

Spokane Orphan Summit will be April 21st from 8:00 - 4:30 at Faith Bible Church.  If you would like to foster or adopt some day but don't know where to start, then this conference is for YOU!

Here are some of the breakout sessions that are available:

1) Myths and Truths about Foster Care
(There are a lot of stories to sift through about foster care. It can be hard for potential foster parents to sort through what is myth and what is reality.)   Come hear a speaker share how Christians can work within the foster care system to care for children who desperately need families.)

2) Panel Q&A Discussion Part 1- Pro's and Con's about the different Adoption Options.
(This breakout session will be a panel discussion led by people who have experienced the gamut of adoption.  There will be parents on the panel who have adopted from; foster care, domestic agencies, private adoption and also from a variety of international countries.  Some have adopted infants while others have adopted older children.  Each adoption option has its own inherent twists and turns.  Come and learn more about which adoption path might be right for your family.)

3) Panel Q&A Discussion Part 2 – Pro's and Con's about the different Adoption Options.
(This breakout session will be a continuation of Part 1.  The same panel will be available to help you answer questions and wrestle with which adoption path might be right for your family.  Warning: You might leave with more questions than you came with.)

Lunch will be provided and childcare will be provided for children 5 and under.

Please register online at SpokaneOrphanSummit.com so that we provide a sufficient amount of food and workers to care for your children.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

OFF The WALL Meeting: Attachment and Bonding

Below are some of the key thoughts I took away from what Suzie Toews talked about during our OFF The WALL Meeting on March 11.

1) We need to obey, trust and pray. First off we need to obey God's calling on our life.  If we believe that after praying and counting the cost that God has called us to adopt, then by all means we should obey.  Then secondly, we need to trust that God will guide our steps and even when there are trials brought our way with our adoption process or with the children God has given us that He will be with us.  And third, we need to pray.  Pray before, during, after and throughout the whole process.  Get other people involved in praying for us and again, pray hard.

2) We all are blessed with some attachment disorders.  This does not discount the fact that some of us have been through some VERY hard experiences in our lives.  In fact, as adoptive parents we need to explore our own histories and our own expectations before we bring a child into our lives who has been through "hard places."  Suzie emphasized that we are the parents and we are to model behaviours to our children of healthy trust, acceptance, independence, empathy, forgiveness etc.  When we are also dealing with our own issues of attachment and hurt, we sometimes find it more difficult to help our child deal with their struggles.  Below is a helpful video I found from Empowered to Connect with Dr. Karyn Purvis.  Not exactly what Suzie shared but with some similar themes.

"Watch this video as Dr. Karyn Purvis talks about the importance of parents exploring their expectations and motivations, as well as the impact that their own history can have when parenting children from hard places."

3) We cannot expect that our children will all see complete healing here on earth.  Just as we are called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone but salvation is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit.  So also, we are called as Christians to adopt children from "hard places" into our homes, who have experienced horrific and unimaginable things in their short lives.  We pray that they will find mental, emotional and physical healing for the pain and trauma they have experienced but that process of healing is ultimately God's responsibility.

"In order to truly understand children from hard places — what they have experienced, the impact of those experiences and how we can help them heal and grow — it’s important that we understand some of the basics."

Friday, March 23, 2012

Are you on an adoption journey?

Spokane Orphan Summit will be April 21st from 8:00 - 4:30 at Faith Bible Church.  If you are already on the adoption journey and would like support from others who have already been through an adoption, then this conference is for YOU!  

Here are some of the breakout sessions that are available:

1) Eternal Lessons During Seasons of Waiting
(Adoption is filled with opportunities to learn lessons about waiting.  Waiting on the Lord is something talked about extensively in scripture but in our "now" culture it can be difficult.)

2) When Adoption/Post Adoption Doesn't Go As Planned

(Being flexible and having plans change is the name of the game on the adoption journey.  What do you do when life throws you a curve ball?  When you have done everything you feel that God has called you to do and then things don't turn out how you expect, then what?  Come and learn from a couple who has seen a few curve balls come their way.)

3) Helping Adopted Children Deal with Grief of Adoption at Different Ages and Stages of Life

(Adoption is a blessing as children are connected with their families.  The truth of this blessing does not take away the fact that adoption stories also include loss.  As adopted children grow-up most will go through grief at the loss(es) they have experienced in their life.  The grief process varies for every child but there are some things that we can expect along the journey.  How can we help our child deal with their grief in a way that brings healing?)

Lunch will be provided and childcare will be provided for children 5 and under.

Please register online at SpokaneOrphanSummit.com so that we provide a sufficient amount of food and workers to care for your children.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do you want to support an adoption culture?

Spokane Orphan Summit will be April 21st from 8:00 - 4:30 at Faith Bible Church.  If you would like to be involved in orphan care by supporting an adoption culture this conference is for YOU.  Here are some of the breakout sessions that are available:

1) Helping the Church Find its True North
(What does a culture of adoption look like and how can The Body of Christ foster a culture of adoption in The Church?)

2) The Theology of Adoption
(Gaining a deeper appreciation for our adoption as members of God's family and finding out how this can revolutionize how we view life.)

3) Strategizing Roundtable Discussion – Let's Do This Together 
(With God at work in us as The Body of Christ in the Inland Northwest, how can we work together to take care of children in our state and around the world?)

One more thing -  Please encourage your pastors and church staff to come to this Summit.  Mobilizing The Church can be much more effective when church leaders are involved.

Lunch will be provided and childcare will be provided for children 5 and under.

Please register online at SpokaneOrphanSummit.com so that we provide a sufficient amount of food and workers to care for your children.

Monday, March 5, 2012

An Important Connection

Have we as The Church fully connected these two issues; 
ABORTION - - - - - - - - -ADOPTION?

Can we say to someone considering abortion, "Every child IS a wanted child! and that there is a loving family waiting and desiring to love your baby"?

Adoption needs to be part of our "church culture".  If you would like to learn more about how you could adopt, or support others who are adopting, then find an adoption conference near you.  

There is an adoption conference coming to Spokane on April 21st, SOS (Spokane Orphan Summit).  

And there are many other conferences going on in cities all around the country this year.  Let's get TOGETHER and care for every child in our country waiting for a loving family.  And let's not stop there.  There are orphans all around the world in need of love and protection.  Let's not let the IMMENSITY of the need overwhelm us.   Adoption and orphan care are about ONE CHILD AT A TIME.

Three Opportunities Coming To Spokane That Could Make a Difference!

"The Great Turnaround" is a movement of churches, in cooperation with Life-Services, to send a positive message to women contemplating an abortion, "there is no such thing as a hopeless situation."  Kick-off is March 12, 7:00 pm at the INB Performing Arts Center.

"October Baby" is a story with strong themes of bitterness/forgiveness, guilt/healing, death/life.  The STORY has the power to change lives.  "Tell me a fact and I'll learn, tell me the truth and I believe, but tell me a STORY, and it will live in my heart forever." Steve Sabol

Let's pray that more pastors in Spokane will get together to strategize about how to change the culture in this country from a culture of ABORTION to a culture of ADOPTION.  

HINT: One of the breakout sessions at the Spokane Orphan Summit will be "Strategizing Roundtable Discussion – Let's Do this Together".  This is an opportunity for us to help bring about change in the CULTURE OF ADOPTION in Spokane.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spokane Orphan Summit "SOS"

Spokane Orphan Summit, appropriately dubbed "SOS" for short is coming April 21st.

"Is this conference for me?" Excellent question!  

If you think you might want to adopt someday but don't know where to start, 
If you are in the process of adopting (or you have already brought a child into your home through adoption) and you are looking for the support of people on a similar journey, 
If you have a friend who has adopted, or you are a pastor, and would like to find ways that you and THE CHURCH could support others on their adoption journeys, 

We believe that certainly not everyone is CALLED TO ADOPT but definitely everyone should BE INVOLVED!

Check out the SOS website for more information and by all means, SPREAD THE WORD!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Adopted by Design Seminar: February 25th

On Saturday, February 25, 2012 from 10am-noon, America World Adoption will be hosting a free adoption seminar entitled “Adopted by Design” at Immanuel Baptist Church, 5109 N. Adams Street, Spokane, WA 99205.  This multimedia program will address what God’s word says about adoption.  If you are wondering if adoption is right for you and your family, this seminar will be a blessing.  You will hear families share their personal adoption experience and see the love that defines what it means to be a mother and father.  For more information about AWAA, please visit their website at: www.awaa.org  Call 888-ONE-CHILD or go here to register
Remember the location for this event is:
Immanuel Baptist Church
5109 N. Adams Street
Spokane, WA 99205

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ken Hutcherson Video from January 27th

As promised, here is the video of Ken Hutcherson speaking at Christ The Redeemer Church on January 27th.  The title of his talk was, "What can we do TOGETHER that we could never do SEPARATELY?"  We will post video of his Q & A session in a separate post as well as the audio when that is available.

Ken Hutcherson - "Off the Wall" from Antioch Adoptions - Spokane on Vimeo.

To read more about Ken Hutcherson, Antioch Adoptions, and why we had Ken come and speak at CTR read previous posts on this blog.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The week after Hutch was in Spokane....

As promised, this is the place to check back to find the audio and video of our OFF The WALL meeting from this past Friday, January 27th.  Ken Hutcherson spoke from Genesis 11 and Acts 2 about working TOGETHER as the church of Jesus Christ to take care of orphans in our state, and around the world.  In lieu of actual footage from Hutch's talk I wanted to post a couple of resources that share his heart for orphans and includes a little bit of content he shared in his talk.  A bit of a teaser until the talk is posted here...:

First, here is the background from Antioch Adoption's website about how they got started. What a wonderful story.
Our Beginnings
It started with a twelve year dream of Dr. Ken Hutcherson, Pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, Washington.  He desired to see all children from the Foster Care system adopted into loving families.   He also desired for more families to be able to afford infant adoptions.
Dr. Hutcherson said, "We took $20,000 cash just as Jesus did with minas in the parable of Luke, and had it at the church meeting in May of 1998.  I spoke from the Book of Matthew on talents and told the congregation, 'everyone here is going to get cash from us today'."
A total of $16,000 was dispersed to the 1,500-1,600 in attendance, and the parable of multiplying talents was explored.  By the end of the service the congregation knew what was expected.  Everyone ranging in age from 5 to 17 were given a crisp $5 bill.  Those 18 and older were given a $10 bill.
"We want you to keep this money for 6 months, mix it with your God-given talent and we're going to take it up on Jesus' birthday as we celebrate in December," Hutcherson concluded.
"Just as it happened in scripture though, some people pooled their money to invest it, some buried it, and some saved it.  But the majority took that seed money and invested it in different, creative ways."
The Process...
There were so many creative ways devised that Charlene Richardson is compiling a book soon to be published, detailing the stories.
One mother wanted to involve her children, knowing they would learn more by doing than by example.  Her seven year-old daughter gave manicures for $1 each.  Her four year-old son drew portraits of people for a quarter.  He even included a goatee for no extra charge.
Another group banded together and wrote "Amazing Recipes that Stir the Heart & Soul."  This spiral bound cookbook showcases favorite family recipes while addressing spiritual needs in practical ways.
The Result...By adding God-given talents to seed money for six months, the initial amount increased in excess of 1,750% or 17.5 times, for a total of $280,000 collected in December.
Those funds provided start-up money for Antioch Adoptions.  Now, 11 years later..., (you've got to go to their website to finish out the story.  It's only fair.)

Second, I wanted to share this short inspiring video.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Next OFF The WALL Meeting

Next   OFF The WALL  Meeting Coming Soon....

March 11th, 5:30 pm at Christ The Redeemer Church

"Attachment and Bonding"

 Suzie Toews, MSW, has worked with foster and adoptive families for over 30 years as a clinical social worker and therapist.  It wasn’t until a year ago, when she and her husband were blessed with an adoptive son, that Suzie was able to see not just the THEORETICAL, or the REPORTS from foster and adoptive families, but was able to EXPERIENCE it herself, firsthand. Suzie will share attachment theory along with stories that demonstrate how God changes us when we are obedient to HIS will in ministering to the orphans of the world.

Childcare and Dessert will be provided.  Please RSVP if you need childcare.

For future OFF The WALL meeting events and other orphan care resources check out: http://CTRorphancare.blogspot.com/
Contact: Jason Wiens  -  jandm@webband.com